Top 3 Chief Components of Reading

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Here are the top 3 chief components of reading:

Phonemic alertness
Phonemes are a vital aspect of the reading process. It is one of the smallest vital unit that forms a component of a spoken language. Basically it is a combination of words and syllables. Phonemic alertness is the capability of the learner to focus as well as influence the phonemes ideally in words as well as spoken syllables. Making students attentive about phonemic awareness as well as teaching them about it helps to develop their reading skills up to a great extent. It is found that those children who have better Phonemic awareness are better than reading as compared to children who are unaware about the same.

Phonics tells us how the letters or combinations of letters in a written language are associated to the individual sounds in a particular spoken language. Instructing students about the same, makes them aware about using this certain relationship to augment their spelling of words as well as reading. This in boosts up the success rates among students. The students who have been taught this are comparatively more competent at accomplishing the task of reading from the unaware counterparts.

Readers who are fluent, have the ability to read orally at an appropriate pace along with great precession. Fluency refers to the ability of an individual to speak as well as read, by concurrently making sense of the text that they are reading without having to stop, so as to interpret every word. The reading in turn improves the word recognition and reading fluency of the students.
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