Importance of Three Components of Reading

AIAG manuals are very strict as far as the quality of the content covered in diverse books is concerned. BIS Books are also very particular about the quality of the content. Same goes the case with SPC Books. Here we will discuss the importance of three components of reading.

Development of vocabulary has a deep connection with the comprehension that plays a vital role in reading. With a vast vocabulary, it becomes easy for the reader to make or figure out the sense of the text without having to pause in between the reading process.  There is a vice-versa relationship between vocabulary and reading. While former boosts reading, the later comes only if one goes in for more reading.  There are both direct and indirect ways to learn vocabulary. Reading and repetition are important in this context. One needs to have the multiple exposures to the vocabulary rich content to enhance the learning skills.

Comprehension is actually a very complex cognitive process that the readers utilize while understanding the thing that they actually have to read. Two things that come to play here are the development of vocabulary and the instructions provided. There are umpteen ways to enhance the comprehension skills, these include, quizzes and retelling the story.

Though spelling is not considered to be a crucial component of reading, yet it plays an important role to enhance the reading abilities.  It is believed that phonemic awareness as well as the instructions about the phonics has a beneficial impact on the spelling initial but in the later stages the spelling continues to improve with the appropriate reading. It cannot be claimed that progress in reading is positively related with the progress at spelling but vice versa is true. Being thorough with speaking has a great benefit in improving the quick reading skills and analysing the content.

Wrapping up, this is the importance of three components of reading. Though there are many components of reading but here we have highlighted the top 3 as these are very important from the perspective of reading.
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