Purpose and Objectives of BIS Standards

Standard Work for the Shopfloor is important if you wish to excel in certain spheres of life. Protected by the AIAG Standards these are a must go through if enhancing you know how is the priority for you. The BIS standards makes it a point that you get all the information that is correct from the very core and this I the basis point where the BIS standards come into action. Here is are the purpose and objectives of BIS standards.

Purpose of BIS standards
Prior to getting the independence, the standardization was one activity that was highly restricted and was limited to only certain Government purchasing organizations. But after independence, the economic development via coordinated utilization of resources was started and the government analysed the role for the standardization in the gearing industry to maintain the competitive efficiency as well as the quality production. The initiation of the BIS standards was for the nationalization and to ensure the orderly industrial as well as the commercial growth. Apart from this, it plays an important role to ensure the quality production plus the competitive efficiency. BIS later also took over the staff assets and the liabilities.

Objectives of BIS standards
BIS standards are important for the harmonious development of the standardization in addition to marking as well as the quality certification. Apart from this, it is known to provide a completely new thrust to the standardization plus the quality control. Last but not the least, it aims to evolve a national strategy to maintain the recognition to the standards as well as integrating them to the growth plus development of not only production but also exports. These are the objectives that are must attain to maintain the quality.

All in all, these are the purpose and objectives of BIS standards. It is important to have the knowledge of the same so that you can have the best for yourself. Be it any sphere quality is a must to maintain and it is only possible if there is certain body to ensure and look after the same.
Source : https://sites.google.com/site/shopfloorseriesbook/purpose-and-objectives-of-bis-standards


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